Hi there!
Here's a layout that was submitted at Turtle Soup for their Scraplift Thursday (Apr 10) Challenge. You can see the challenge here.
This is the layout to lift:
This is my take on the lift:
My layout is titled, "Awesome"
The Boy Scouts adventure climbing Katahdin. What a wild but crazy time! So many memories and so many laughs! The beautiful views along the hike/climb were breathtaking! Certainly something I will always remember!
Supplies used:
Paper: gcd Studios
Metal Spiral Clip
Various Stickers & Tags
Twine was knotted around this sticker tag. Andrew is in the photo on the right with the bright orange t-shirt... just standing there looking at the awesome views!
I added the arrow sticker after the page title... pointing towards our amazing journey.
A cluster of stickers and tags.
And... I couldn't resist adding this clear sticker under the photo.
Thanks so much for stopping by!