Jeans & Slippers Creations

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Soul Scrappers Sketch Challenge

Hello everyone!

Happy Saturday to you!

Today I'm sharing a sketch challenge that I'm hosting at Soul Scrappers.  Each month a different sketch is posted and prizes are offered if there are at least eight entries in the Soul Scrappers Gallery.  Who doesn't love sketches?  They get your motivation juices flowing!  And from there your creativity explodes.
At least that happens with me... sometimes!  :)

Here is the sketch from Page Maps.  I love the variety of sketches they offer.

And here is the example layout I created titled, "Good Times."
You can check out my challenge in its entirety here.
My friend and I at a concert this past summer.  What a fun time we had!

As you can see, I switched the embellies/circles from the left to the right.  Just a little different while still following the sketch.

Flower stickers provide a little more interest.

A doily was tucked behind the photo.

Various circles were layered along with flower stickers and a clock was tucked just behind the title.

More flower stickers were added above the page title.

And there you have it.  Hope you enjoyed my layout.

Don't forget to check out Soul Scrappers as well as all the challenges here.  It's a fabulous place to be!

Till next time,

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